Fifteen Pieces founded on Antiphons, op. 18

Dupré, Marcel (1886-1971)
H.W. Gray


Artikelnummer: sgb00188 Categorieën: , ,

Antiphon 1-5
Ave Maris Stella 1-4
Magnificat 1-6

1. Antiphon I While the King Sitteth at His table ;
2. Antiphon II His Left Hand Is Under My Head and His Right Hand Doth Embrace Me ;
3. Antiphon III I am Black but Comely O ye Daughters of Jerusalem ;
4. Antiphon IV Lo the Winter Is Past ;
5. Antiphon V How Fair and How Pleasant Art Thou ;
6. Ave Maris Stella I When the Salutation Gabriel Had Spoken ;
7. Ave Maris Stella II JEsus Tender Mother Make Tjy Supplication ;
8. Ave Maris Stella III So Now as We Journey Aid Our Weak Endeavor ;
9. Ave Maris Stella IV Amen Finale ;
10. Magnificat I My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord ;
11. Magnificat II For Behold from Henceforth all Generations Shall Call Me Blessed ;
12. Magnificat III And his Mercy Is on Them That Fear Him Throughout All Generations ;
13. Magnificat IV He Hath Put Down the Mighty from Their Seat ;
14. Magnificat V He Remembring His Mercy Hath Holpen His Servant Israel ;
15. Magnificat VI Gloria Finale
