Orgelvariaties over 10 Engelse Hymnen
1. Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide No. 64 – Smith, Isaac (1734-1805)
2. Come down, o love divine No. 137 – Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-7958)
3. Give me the wings of faith to riste No. 225 – Gibbons, Orlando (1583-1625)
4. Alleluya, sing to Jesus No. 271 – Pritchard, R.H. (1811-1887)
5. Glory in the hoghest to the God of heaven No. 363 – Ferguson, W.H. (1874-1950)
6. Immortel, Invisible, God only wise (Welsh Song) No. 377 – Robert, J. (1839)
7. O Praise Ye the Lord No. 427 – Parry, H.H. (1848-1918)
8. Praise to the Holiest in the Height No. 439 – Dykes, J.B. (1823-1876)
9. King of love my Shepherd is, The (Irish Melody) No. 457
10. Thou whose Almighty Word No. 466 Giardini, F. (1716-1796)